Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Ayesha Khan
2 min readJan 2, 2021

First when I read the name of the project, suddenly one memory came to my mind. Something related to a question asked in our orientation where Sir asked us that, Could any one of you eat cockroach? Some students replied in a funny way that if it cooked well, he can eat and there were many other answers as well. After that I started reading about it and got to know what actually they mean about this line.

There is a new word I got familiar with in this course about “Procrastination”. It’s an action of delaying things or postponing them. Sometimes we do it because of some reason and most probably It’s our habit of doing work at the last minute. I got to know that I’m actually a Procrastinator and this “Pomodoro Technique” is made for people like me I guess ;)

Pomodoro Technique is actually a very helpful technique. I used this technique to complete my courses which I haven’t completed before because of my laziness or you can say by seeing the length of course :D.

At first Pomodoro, I was excited and did my work very well, without thinking about anything. Then, I gave 5 minutes break for checking my mobile but it went to 15 minutes later. Then I decided to not check my mobile after completing time and do something else.

The target I set was achieved in my 1st attempt. At first, I got distracted but after that everything went smooth. I really enjoyed this all experience and thankful to Amal for telling me about this wonderful technique. Now, I’m thinking of doing my other pending work using this technique ;) .



Ayesha Khan

Completed my Master in Computational Physics from University of the Punjab